is now more accessible than ever!

NOU! Dosarul de prosumator este inclus în prețul tuturor kit-urilor fotovoltaice ON-grid!

Project co-financed by the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020

Start-up established within the „DANTE -NV. Entrepreneurship Development in the Northern Region West ” project, POCU / 82 / 3.7 / 105384

The future is green...

but it also belongs to YOUR children!
The decisions you make today will have a huge impact on the world in the next decades.
Switch to green energy!

Photovoltaic Panels

Our new photovoltaic panels transform the sun's energy into the electricity you need for everyday activities. It does not matter who or where you are - you can be sure that we have a solution for you! If you need power, we certainly got you covered!

Photovoltaic kits

Now you have the chance to build the future with your own hands! Our new photovoltaic kits are at your disposal for all sorts of applications such as lighting, heating, irrigation, protection and many, many more! Should you need something that is nor currently on our list, do not hesitate to contact us for a custom offer! We are more than happy to make your green dreams come true to their fullest extent!

Power cells

Our power cells will ensure that you can use the same green energy even on days where the sun does not shine. Installed in a photovoltaic system, our new AGM and GEL cells, with "Deep Cycle" technology, can be synchronized with various types of measurement and control devices that ensure that your products are in no danger of overcharging or complete discharge, which increases their lifespan and durability!


Sun tracking systems, power counters, circuit breakers, optimizers, switches and cables are all, combined, different types of connectors. It's your choice to which of our products you wish to connect.


Gama de invertoare fotovoltaice ON și OFF-Grid, produse de Victron Energy și Fronius International oferă cel mai bun raport preț-calitate-fiabilitate pe care îl puteți obține pe piața actuală. Aceste sisteme de conversie a energiei fotovoltaice de 12V la energia de consum de 220V sunt absolut esențiale pentru fiecare aplicație domestică și/sau antreprenorială pe care o aveți!

Technical Support

Nu știți ce să alegeți? Nu știți de ce fel de KIT-uri aveți nevoie? Nu ezitați să ne contactați pentru a obține planul perfect personalizat de modernizare a proprietăților, proiectat având în vedere toate nevoile dumneavoastră! Vă suntem mereu alături în toate demersurile de ecologizare a business-ului sau casei, pentru a construi împreună un viitor mai bun, mai curat și mai sănătos.

Smart Helios Energy

0731 952 528
0727 502 412


Str. Fabricii de zahăr, nr. 52B, Cluj-Napoca, jud Cluj

CIF: RO41007626
Nr. Reg. Com.: J12/1708/2019

Banca Comercială Română S.A.

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